[Newbies] Cannot change font in Squeak5.2 + updates image
Christian Kellermann
2018-10-07 20:27:35 UTC
Dear list,

when I open up the default font dialog and select a different font,
then hit apply I get the following DNU message. Tobias told me
that should be sent to the list, so here it is. If there's any
further information I can provide, please tell me. Also there's
nothing I changed intentionally from the defaults wrt fonts, so
while I cannot rule out user error, I have to claim that I didn't
do anything™.

This is done on an amd64 OpenBSD 6.4 System with an uptodate

Kind regards,


7 October 2018 10:24:14.896383 pm

VM: unix - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak5.2beta [latest update: #18199]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /home/ckeen
Trusted Dir /home/ckeen/secure
Untrusted Dir /home/ckeen/My Squeak

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #hasProperty:
Receiver: nil
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: hasProperty: #hasCustomBackground
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>hasProperty:
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:

Receiver: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
Arguments and temporary variables:
force: false
Receiver's instance variables:
dependents: nil
world: nil
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named <no name -- garbage?>
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
previousProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]...etc...
displayDepth: 32
viewSize: ***@97
thumbnail: Form(159x97x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#disabledGlobalFlapIDs->a Set('Paintin...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#enablePortraitMode->fal...etc...
resourceManager: nil
uiProcess: nil

Receiver: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
dependents: nil
world: nil
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named <no name -- garbage?>
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
previousProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]...etc...
displayDepth: 32
viewSize: ***@97
thumbnail: Form(159x97x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#disabledGlobalFlapIDs->a Set('Paintin...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#enablePortraitMode->fal...etc...
resourceManager: nil
uiProcess: nil

[] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
Arguments and temporary variables:
cc: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
o: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0

Receiver: {nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('scale' 'translation') . ...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
index: 992872
indexLimiT: 1234460
Receiver's instance variables:
{nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('scale' 'translation') . ...etc...

Receiver: a SystemNavigation
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
object: nil
lastObject: nil
allObjects: {nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('s...etc...
Receiver's instance variables:
browserClass: Browser
hierarchyBrowserClass: nil
environment: Smalltalk

[] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
Arguments and temporary variables:
cc: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0

Receiver: [closure] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile:
complete: nil
returnValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
outerContext: [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
startpc: 215
numArgs: 0

Receiver: ((CursorWithMask
extent: ***@16
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask
extent: ***@16
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
Receiver's instance variables:
bits: a Bitmap of length 16
width: 16
height: 16
depth: 1
offset: -1@ -1
maskForm: Form(16x16x1)

[] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
Arguments and temporary variables:
cc: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0

Receiver: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver's instance variables:
tally: 677
array: {nil . BottomRightGripMorph . nil . NetworkTerminalMorph . UpdatingTextMorph...etc...

[] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0

Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
Arguments and temporary variables:
block: [closure] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
scale: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0

Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0

Preferences class>>setSystemFontTo:
Receiver: Preferences
Arguments and temporary variables:
aFont: TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 12 Roman)
aStyle: a TextStyle BitstreamVeraSans
newDefaultStyle: a TextStyle BitstreamVeraSans
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Object
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 0
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')

subclasses: {ServicePreferences . PreferencesTestPreferences}
name: #Preferences
classPool: a Dictionary(#DesktopColor->(Color r: 0.742 g: 1 b: 0.839) #Parameters...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'System-Preferences'
preferencesDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(size 309)

Receiver: a FontChooserTool
Arguments and temporary variables:
font: TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 12 Roman)
Receiver's instance variables:
dependents: a DependentsArray(a PluggableSystemWindow<Default font...>(124961) ...etc...
title: 'Default font...'
selectedFontIndex: 11
fontList: #(#Accuat #Accujen #Accula #Accumon #Accuny #Accusf #Accushi #Accuve ...etc...
target: Preferences
getSelector: #standardSystemFont
setSelector: #setSystemFontTo:
pointSize: 12
emphasis: 0
window: a PluggableSystemWindow<Default font...>(124961)
result: nil
offerStyleList: true

Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: ***@694 corner: ***@720
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: ***@694 corner: ***@720
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
labelOffset: ***@0
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum

Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
Arguments and temporary variables:

Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: ***@694 corner: ***@720
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: ***@694 corner: ***@720
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
labelOffset: ***@0
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum

[] in PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>mouseUp:
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
m: [***@708 mouseUp ( red ) 29661574]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: ***@694 corner: ***@720
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: ***@694 corner: ***@720
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
labelOffset: ***@0
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum

--- The full stack ---
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #hasProperty:
[] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Preferences class>>setSystemFontTo:
[] in PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>mouseUp:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in [] in [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
[] in [] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
[] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
[] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
May you be peaceful, may you live in safety, may you be free from
suffering, and may you live with ease.
David T. Lewis
2018-10-08 02:41:53 UTC
Hello Christian,

Thank you for reporting the problem :-)

I am having trouble reproducing the error. Can you please say how you
open the default font dialog? There may be more than one way to do
this in Squeak, so I might be looking at the wrong thing.

If I open a World menu by clicking on the background of the display,
then open 'appearance...' -> 'system fonts...' -> 'default text font...'
Then I am able to change the default font as expected.

Post by Christian Kellermann
Dear list,
when I open up the default font dialog and select a different font,
then hit apply I get the following DNU message. Tobias told me
that should be sent to the list, so here it is. If there's any
further information I can provide, please tell me. Also there's
nothing I changed intentionally from the defaults wrt fonts, so
while I cannot rule out user error, I have to claim that I didn't
do anything???.
This is done on an amd64 OpenBSD 6.4 System with an uptodate
Kind regards,
7 October 2018 10:24:14.896383 pm
VM: unix - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak5.2beta [latest update: #18199]
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /home/ckeen
Trusted Dir /home/ckeen/secure
Untrusted Dir /home/ckeen/My Squeak
Receiver: nil
aMessage: hasProperty: #hasCustomBackground
resumeValue: nil
Receiver: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
force: false
dependents: nil
world: nil
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named <no name -- garbage?>
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
previousProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]...etc...
displayDepth: 32
thumbnail: Form(159x97x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#disabledGlobalFlapIDs->a Set('Paintin...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#enablePortraitMode->fal...etc...
resourceManager: nil
uiProcess: nil
Receiver: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
dependents: nil
world: nil
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named <no name -- garbage?>
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
previousProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]...etc...
displayDepth: 32
thumbnail: Form(159x97x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#disabledGlobalFlapIDs->a Set('Paintin...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#enablePortraitMode->fal...etc...
resourceManager: nil
uiProcess: nil
[] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
cc: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
o: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: {nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('scale' 'translation') . ...etc...
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
index: 992872
indexLimiT: 1234460
{nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('scale' 'translation') . ...etc...
Receiver: a SystemNavigation
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
object: nil
lastObject: nil
allObjects: {nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('s...etc...
browserClass: Browser
hierarchyBrowserClass: nil
environment: Smalltalk
[] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
cc: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: [closure] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
complete: nil
returnValue: nil
outerContext: [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
startpc: 215
numArgs: 0
Receiver: ((CursorWithMask
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
bits: a Bitmap of length 16
width: 16
height: 16
depth: 1
maskForm: Form(16x16x1)
[] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
cc: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
aBlock: [closure] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
tally: 677
array: {nil . BottomRightGripMorph . nil . NetworkTerminalMorph . UpdatingTextMorph...etc...
[] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
block: [closure] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
scale: nil
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: Preferences
aFont: TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 12 Roman)
aStyle: a TextStyle BitstreamVeraSans
newDefaultStyle: a TextStyle BitstreamVeraSans
superclass: Object
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 0
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: {ServicePreferences . PreferencesTestPreferences}
name: #Preferences
classPool: a Dictionary(#DesktopColor->(Color r: 0.742 g: 1 b: 0.839) #Parameters...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'System-Preferences'
preferencesDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(size 309)
Receiver: a FontChooserTool
font: TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 12 Roman)
dependents: a DependentsArray(a PluggableSystemWindow<Default font...>(124961) ...etc...
title: 'Default font...'
selectedFontIndex: 11
fontList: #(#Accuat #Accujen #Accula #Accumon #Accuny #Accusf #Accushi #Accuve ...etc...
target: Preferences
getSelector: #standardSystemFont
pointSize: 12
emphasis: 0
window: a PluggableSystemWindow<Default font...>(124961)
result: nil
offerStyleList: true
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
evt: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum
--- The full stack ---
[] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
May you be peaceful, may you live in safety, may you be free from
suffering, and may you live with ease.
Beginners mailing list
Tobias Pape
2018-10-08 06:41:19 UTC
Post by David T. Lewis
Hello Christian,
Thank you for reporting the problem :-)
I am having trouble reproducing the error. Can you please say how you
open the default font dialog? There may be more than one way to do
this in Squeak, so I might be looking at the wrong thing.
If I open a World menu by clicking on the background of the display,
then open 'appearance...' -> 'system fonts...' -> 'default text font...'
Then I am able to change the default font as expected.
Even if you change to Bitstream Vera Sans?
Post by David T. Lewis
Post by Christian Kellermann
Dear list,
when I open up the default font dialog and select a different font,
then hit apply I get the following DNU message. Tobias told me
that should be sent to the list, so here it is. If there's any
further information I can provide, please tell me. Also there's
nothing I changed intentionally from the defaults wrt fonts, so
while I cannot rule out user error, I have to claim that I didn't
do anything???.
This is done on an amd64 OpenBSD 6.4 System with an uptodate
Kind regards,
7 October 2018 10:24:14.896383 pm
VM: unix - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak5.2beta [latest update: #18199]
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /home/ckeen
Trusted Dir /home/ckeen/secure
Untrusted Dir /home/ckeen/My Squeak
Receiver: nil
aMessage: hasProperty: #hasCustomBackground
resumeValue: nil
Receiver: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
force: false
dependents: nil
world: nil
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named <no name -- garbage?>
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
previousProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]...etc...
displayDepth: 32
thumbnail: Form(159x97x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#disabledGlobalFlapIDs->a Set('Paintin...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#enablePortraitMode->fal...etc...
resourceManager: nil
uiProcess: nil
Receiver: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
dependents: nil
world: nil
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named <no name -- garbage?>
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
previousProject: a MorphicProject (Unnamed1) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]...etc...
displayDepth: 32
thumbnail: Form(159x97x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#disabledGlobalFlapIDs->a Set('Paintin...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#enablePortraitMode->fal...etc...
resourceManager: nil
uiProcess: nil
[] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
cc: a MorphicProject (<no name -- garbage?>) in nil
o: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: {nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('scale' 'translation') . ...etc...
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
index: 992872
indexLimiT: 1234460
{nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('scale' 'translation') . ...etc...
Receiver: a SystemNavigation
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
object: nil
lastObject: nil
allObjects: {nil . false . true . #('collection' 'position' 'readLimit') . #('s...etc...
browserClass: Browser
hierarchyBrowserClass: nil
environment: Smalltalk
[] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
cc: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: [closure] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
complete: nil
returnValue: nil
outerContext: [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
startpc: 215
numArgs: 0
Receiver: ((CursorWithMask
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
aBlock: [closure] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
bits: a Bitmap of length 16
width: 16
height: 16
depth: 1
maskForm: Form(16x16x1)
[] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
cc: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: an IdentitySet(BottomRightGripMorph NetworkTerminalMorph UpdatingTextMorph QuickGuideMorph...etc...
aBlock: [closure] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
tally: 677
array: {nil . BottomRightGripMorph . nil . NetworkTerminalMorph . UpdatingTextMorph...etc...
[] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
block: [closure] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
scale: nil
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: a SqueakTheme 'Squeak'
properties: a Dictionary(size 336)
name: 'Squeak'
next: nil
ignoreApply: false
lastScaleFactor: 1.0
Receiver: Preferences
aFont: TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 12 Roman)
aStyle: a TextStyle BitstreamVeraSans
newDefaultStyle: a TextStyle BitstreamVeraSans
superclass: Object
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 0
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: {ServicePreferences . PreferencesTestPreferences}
name: #Preferences
classPool: a Dictionary(#DesktopColor->(Color r: 0.742 g: 1 b: 0.839) #Parameters...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'System-Preferences'
preferencesDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(size 309)
Receiver: a FontChooserTool
font: TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 12 Roman)
dependents: a DependentsArray(a PluggableSystemWindow<Default font...>(124961) ...etc...
title: 'Default font...'
selectedFontIndex: 11
fontList: #(#Accuat #Accujen #Accula #Accumon #Accuny #Accusf #Accushi #Accuve ...etc...
target: Preferences
getSelector: #standardSystemFont
pointSize: 12
emphasis: 0
window: a PluggableSystemWindow<Default font...>(124961)
result: nil
offerStyleList: true
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum
Receiver: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
evt: a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770)
owner: a PluggablePanelMorph(581106)
submorphs: #()
color: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
extension: a MorphExtension (2313122) [other: (minWidth -> 10) (clipSubmorphs ...etc...
model: a FontChooserTool
label: 'Apply'
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 7 10)
getStateSelector: nil
actionSelector: #apply
getLabelSelector: nil
getMenuSelector: nil
shortcutCharacter: nil
askBeforeChanging: false
triggerOnMouseDown: false
offColor: (Color r: 0.91 g: 0.91 b: 0.91)
onColor: (Color r: 0.71 g: 0.71 b: 0.71)
feedbackColor: (Color r: 0.61 g: 0.61 b: 0.61)
showSelectionFeedback: nil
allButtons: {a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(376770) . a PluggableButtonMorphPlus(21...etc...
arguments: nil
argumentsProvider: nil
argumentsSelector: nil
style: nil
hoverColor: (Color r: 0.81 g: 0.81 b: 0.81)
borderColor: Color gray
textColor: Color black
wantsGradient: nil
enabled: true
action: nil
getColorSelector: nil
getEnabledSelector: nil
updateMap: nil
disabledColor: Color transparent
disabledTextColor: Color aluminum
--- The full stack ---
[] in [] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in [] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in [] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
[] in SqueakTheme(UserInterfaceTheme)>>apply
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
May you be peaceful, may you live in safety, may you be free from
suffering, and may you live with ease.
Beginners mailing list
Beginners mailing list
Christian Kellermann
2018-10-08 07:10:45 UTC
Post by David T. Lewis
Hello Christian,
Thank you for reporting the problem :-)
I am having trouble reproducing the error. Can you please say how you
open the default font dialog? There may be more than one way to do
this in Squeak, so I might be looking at the wrong thing.
If I open a World menu by clicking on the background of the display,
then open 'appearance...' -> 'system fonts...' -> 'default text font...'
Then I am able to change the default font as expected.
I do the same, change the selection and hit the apply button...
May you be peaceful, may you live in safety, may you be free from
suffering, and may you live with ease.