[Newbies] CMD-r documentation inconsistancy and other issues (wiki, image, Etoys)
John-Reed Maffeo
2018-08-02 18:17:48 UTC
There are two reference sources I have seen for cmd-<character>: the wiki
and the image

There is a difference between them for cmd-r.

1. http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5743
(cmd-r) turn on character recognizer (how to turn off again?)
2. "SqueakTutorialsCommandKey edit: #commandKeyMappings" (#17475)
there is no entry between cmd-q and cmd-s
It looks like cmd-r belongs to Etoys. Should the wiki be updated to mention
that? Are there any other Etoys specific mappings?

*Other Wiki Issues - page not updated since 2006*

1. There is a comment in the "Typing" section of the wiki page that may
also need some explanation about when and why the exchange is invoked.
"The € is exchanged for the € (Euro) symbol."
2. cmd-R definition in wiki does not reflect current behavior
wiki >> "(cmd-R) indent line one step (insert a tab at beginning of line)."
image >> "R opens a Recent Submissions browser"

- jrm
